光の杭 Javelins of Light
ナデル: おい、坊主!何だよあの光の……杭みたいなやつは。
Nader: Hey, kiddo! What was with that... javelin of... light?
クロード: 光の杭……か。まさにそんな感じだったな。不落を誇った要塞が、こうも無惨に……。
そもそも目的は? 俺たちを殺したいなら、なぜ今まで使わなかった……?
Claude: Javelin of light... That describes it pretty well. The fortress was supposedly impregnable, but look at it now.
It's hard to imagine that the Empire would do something like that. But if not them, then who?
And for what purpose? If they wanted to kill us, then why wait until now to use it?
ジュディット: ああ、わからないことだらけのまんま、危うく死ぬとこだったよ。
Judith: We almost died just now... and without an answer to any of that.
Speaking of unanswered questions, why is Nardel here?
Care to explain? I get the feeling there's something you two are keeping from us.
ナデル: うっ……坊主、俺は部下どもをパルミラまで送ってくる。
Nader: I'll go ahead and see my subordinates off to Almyra, kiddo.
クロード: おい、ナデル! 俺を置いて逃げる気か?
Claude: Wait, Nadar! Are really going to just leave me here and run away?
ナデル: ジュディットさん、先生、また会おう!あんたらの無事を祈ってるぜ!
Nader: I hope to see you again, Judith. And you too, Professor. I'll be praying for your safety!
ジュディット: ナデル……? ナルデールってのは、あの“百戦百勝”のナデルだってのかい!?
Judith: Nader? Are you saying that Nardel is actually Nader the Unstoppable?!
Byleth: 百戦百勝? Unstoppable?
クロード: 正しくは“百戦無敗”な。パルミラ人は、そういう派手な異名が好きなのさ。
Claude: It's actually "Nader the Undefeated." Almyrans love grand titles.
ジュディット: ただ者じゃないとは思ってたが、まさかパルミラが誇る豪傑とはね……。
Judith: I knew he was no ordinary person, but to think he was the great hero of Almyra...
ヒルダ: ちょっと、のん気に喋ってる場合なの?また光の杭が降ってきたら死んじゃうよ!
Hilda: Hey, um, can we really afford to be chatting right now? If another one of those javelins of light falls, we're all dead!
ヒルダ: 何なの、あれ!?光の……杭みたいなのが落ちてきたんだけど!
Hilda: What was that?! It was like a... javelin of light fell from the sky!
クロード: 光の杭……か。まさにそんな感じだったな。不落を誇った要塞が、こうも無惨に……。
そもそも目的は? 俺たちを殺したいなら、なぜ今まで使わなかった……?
Claude: Javelin of light... That describes it pretty well. The fortress was supposedly impregnable, but look at it now.
It's hard to imagine that the Empire would do something like that. But if not them, then who?
And for what purpose? If they wanted to kill us, then why wait until now to use it?
ヒルダ: ちょっと、悩んでる場合じゃないよー!また光の杭が降ってきたら死んじゃうよ!
Hilda: Do we really have time to be worrying about that? If another one of those javelins of light falls, we're all dead!
ローレンツ: クロード、君には聞きたいことがあるが、まずは撤収を急がねばなるまい。
Lorenz: Claude. There are things I wish to ask you, but first we must hurry and withdraw.
クロード: ああ、そうだな。みんな、引き揚げるぞ!急いでここを離れるんだ!
Claude: Right you are. Come on, everyone! Let's hurry up and get out of here.